Learning from the Kings of Israel
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Started April 2023
The Last Judge of Israel
- Samuel's Childhood - I Samuel 1:1-2:11
- The Failure of Eli - I Samuel 2:12-4:22
- The Defeat of the Philistines - I Samuel 5:1-7:14
- Israel Demands a King - I Samuel 7:15-8:22
The Reign of Saul
- The Selection of Saul - I Samuel 9:1-12:25
- Saul's War with the Philistines - I Samuel 13:1-14:46
- Saul's Failure to Obey - I Samuel 14:47-15:35
- David Is Selected to be the Next King - I Samuel 16:1-23
- David Battles Goliath - I Samuel 17:1-58
- Saul's Jealousy of David - I Samuel 18:1-20:42
- David Hides from Saul - I Samuel 21:1-24:22
- Saul Continues to Pursue David - I Samuel 25:1-27:12
- The Death of Saul - I Samuel 28:1-31:13; I Chronicles 10:1-14
The Reign of David
- Division Over the Next King - II Samuel 1:1-3:5
- The End of Ish-bosheth - II Samuel 3:6-4:12
- David Establishes Jerusalem as the Captial - II Samuel 7:5:1-7:27; I Chronicles 11:1-17:27
- David's Triumphs - II Samuel 8:1-10:19; I Chronicles 18:1-19:19
- David's Failures - II Samuel 11:1-13:22; I Chronicles 20:1-8
- Absalom's Rebellion - II Samuel 13:32-14:33
- Absalom's Coup - II Samuel 15:1-1:29
- The Death of Absalom - II Samuel 20:1-22:51
- The End of David's Life - II Samuel 23-24:25; I Chronicles 21:1-29:30