Paul’s Continued Travel
Text: Acts 20:1-15
I. After the riot in Ephesus had settled down, Paul took leave of the brethren and traveled to Macedonia, which would have included the congregations of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea
A. He then traveled down to Greece – most likely Corinth – where he spent 3 months.
B. He was about to sail from there straight to Syria when he learned of a plot to harm him.
1. So instead of sailing, he traveled north returning to Macedonia
2. Several of his companions went ahead to meet the group in Troas, a costal town on the north end of Asia Minor.
3. In Macedonia, Luke joins Paul (change in pronouns). Paul had left him in Philippi quite a long while ago. (Acts 16:10-12)
C. They waited for the Jewish holiday of the Feast of Unleavened Bread to end before continuing to travel.
1. They managed to meet the others in five days. Probably the winds were against them, making the trip longer.
II. Even though Paul was wanting to return to Syria and Israel, they stayed in Troas for seven days.
A. This afforded him the opportunity to worship with the brethren in Troas.
B. On Sunday, they met to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Since Paul planned to leave the next day, he delivered a long message that lasted until midnight.
C. They were meeting in a third-story room, and while Paul spoke, a young man named Eutychus who was sitting on the window sill fell asleep and tumbled out of the window.
1. It was assumed the fall had killed him, but Paul rushed down and fell on him.
2. He announced that the young man still lived. We can assume he was healed of any wounds he received in the fall.
D. They returned and ate a meal. It is assumed to be a meal as only Paul is mentioned as eating.
E. Paul continued to talk with the brethren until daybreak, when they left to catch their ship.
1. Paul decided not to sail from Troas. Instead, he chose to walk to Assos.
2. Assos is just a few miles across the peninsula which Troas is on. The sea journey is actually longer than the overland route, so Paul easily arrived to meet the boat in Assos.
III. From here Paul joins the ship where they sailed to Mitylene, which is on a coastal island.
A. They continued down the coast until they reached Miletus.
B. They did not stop in Ephesus, even though it was nearby.
C. Paul did not want to spend any more time in Asia than was necessary.
D. It was his aim to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost.
1. Pentecost is 50 days after the Passover.
2. They had left Philippi just at the end of Passover and had already over 17 days on their journey.