Paul Removed from Jerusalem
Text: Acts 23:12-35
I. The Jews were very upset with Paul this time.
A. It didn’t matter that he was under arrest; they wanted Paul dead.
B. A group of over 40 men took a vow not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
C. To accomplish this required having Paul accessible, so they went to the council
1. They told them that they planned to murder Paul
2. They requested that the council request Paul’s presences for further deliberations.
3. While Paul was being moved, they would kill him
D. Paul’s nephew heard of the plot (too many people involved to keep it secret).
1. He went to the barracks and told Paul of what he learned
2. Paul immediately asked a centurion to take the young man to the commander.
3. Commander listened to the young man’s report and believed it.
II. The commander ordered 200 soldiers to be ready to leave by 9 that evening.
A. He would use the cover of night to remove Paul when it was least expected.
B. The 200 foot soldiers would make sure they got out of Jerusalem safely.
C. The 70 horses would provide safety and rapid movement. Paul was provided with a horse as well.
D. The most difficult thing was an explanation to the commander’s chief why he was taking such precautions.
1. The letter fudges many facts.
a. He claimed to have rescued Paul because he was a Roman. Neglecting to mention that he didn’t learn this until after the fact.
b. He claimed that the Council only found Paul guilty of matters regarding Jewish law, neglecting to mention the violence that erupted.
2. Paul was sent to the governor for protection. His accusers were told to see the governor to bring a case against Paul.
III. The night journey took them about half-way to Caesarea, to a town called Antipatris
A. They had to move slower because of the foot soldiers
B. Now that they were well away from Jerusalem, the foot soldiers were not needed, so they were sent back and the horsemen continued.
C. Paul was presented to the governor along with the letter
1. After reading the letter, the governor asked Paul what province he was from – he wanted to know what jurisdiction Paul fell under.
2. Nothing could be done until his accusers arrives, so Paul was housed in the governor’s mansion.