Restoration of Israel

Text: Isaiah 11-12

A Branch from Jesse - Isaiah 11

A Prophecy of the Messiah - Isaiah 11:1-5

Isaiah mentions a branch in Isaiah 4:2 and returns to the topic in greater detail. The image is of a branch growing from a stump that was thought to be dead (Amos 9:11). God had promised a descendant of David would rule on his throne forever. Just when people think that the lineage is gone, Jesus enters the world as a descendant of David (Matthew 1; Luke 3). He grows up in an insignificant village named Nazareth (twigs). Notice the contrast to Isaiah 10:33-34. Assyria is a forest cut down, but David's lineage, thought to have been destroyed, will sprout again.

God's Spirit will rest on him (Matthew 3:16; John 1:32). He will have a full measure of God's Spirit (John 3:34; Acts 10:38; I Corinthians 1:30). He will not judge by outward appearance but judge the hearts of men (John 7:24; I Corinthians 4:5). He will judge all equally and have the power to enforce his decisions. He is both righteous and faithful (I John 1:9).

Peace within the Messiah's Kingdom - Isaiah 11:6-9

The imagery is of animals who normally do not get along because one preys on the other. Tame and wild animals are placed together. Yet, they will live together in peace. Notice that it is the wild and vicious animals that change. This is not in the world in general but on God's holy mountain (the church -- Isaiah 2:3; 30:29; Micah 4:2). And the knowledge of God will cover the earth (Matthew 28:19).

The Nations Will Be Drawn to the Messiah - Isaiah 11:10

The nations will be drawn to the root of Jesse (Isaiah 2:2-4). It will be a signal or rallying point to all people (Matthew 5:13-16). And the Messiah's resting place (his home) will be glorious (John 14:23).

A Restoration of a Remnant of Israel and Judah - Isaiah 11:11-16

God will bring out a remnant of His people from the nations for a second time. The first time, God brought out a remnant when Israel returned from captivity. A standard or rallying point will be raised up for the nations, and Israel's exiled people will be among those who respond.

Northern Israel and Southern Judah had long been at war, but in God's kingdom, the warring will end. There will be peace. The troublemakers will be removed.

The remnant will attack Israel's traditional enemies. This does not describe a literal war but figuratively talks about the spread of the gospel and the raiding of Satan's domain (Matthew 16:18). God will aid and smooth the path of those returning.

A Hymn of Praise - Isaiah 12

When the church is established, the remnant will praise God. He had been angry, but now that it is gone, there is comfort. God has saved His people, so they will trust Him and not fear. God is their source of strength and their reason to sing. Thus, they will joyfully partake of salvation (Acts 8:8,39; 16:34). The imagery is that of an inexhaustible well. Anyone who wishes to partake in salvation can do so.

God's people will spread the news of salvation through all the nations, giving God the glory. The phrase used in Isaiah 12:5 is very similar to one from the Song of Moses in Exodus 15:1,21.