Warnings and Comfort

Reading Assignment:

Matthew 26:30-35
Mark 14:26-31
Luke 22:31-38
John 13:31-14:31
Zechariah 13:7

Did you understand what you read?

  1. Why did Jesus declare that the Son and the Father were glorified when Judas Iscariot left?
  2. Why did Jesus declare that the Son and the Father were glorified when Judas Iscariot left?
  3. What new commandment was Jesus leaving with the apostles?
  4. What would Peter do before dawn?
  5. What would Jesus do while he is gone?
  6. Whom did Jesus show to the disciples? How?
  7. How could the disciples show their love for Jesus?
  8. Whom was Jesus going to send? Why?
  9. What puzzled Judas?
  10. Why did Jesus have limited time to speak with the disciples?

Warnings and Comfort

Jesus is going without the disciples (John 13:31-35)

After Judas Iscariot left, Jesus said he is now glorified and the Father is glorified through him. By this he is saying that events are now in place that will lead to his crucifixion, but also ultimately to his glorification (Philippians 2:8-11).

But for this to happen, he must leave in a little while, and his disciples cannot come with him. It will be just as he told the Jews earlier (John 7:34; 8:21).

Yet, in his departure, he leaves them a new commandment: to love one another. It is an important command for the disciples had been quarreling over who would be greatest, soon they would be scattered. What will hold them together is love for each other. It will become the badge of distinction by which people will recognize Jesus’ disciples (Ephesians 5:2; I Thessalonians 4:9; II Thessalonians 1:3; I Peter 1:22; II Peter 1:7; I John 3:11-14, 23; 4:21). In some ways Jesus’ words are puzzling because God has commanded love between His people in Leviticus 19:18, but Jesus calls this command “new.” It is new in its extent because the love to be shown is the same as that Jesus demonstrated (John 15:13).

The disciples will fall away for a while (Matthew 26:30-35; Mark 14:26-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:36-38)

What Jesus said, however, did not make sense to the disciples. Peter asked Jesus where he was going. Jesus repeats that Peter and the other disciples cannot come to where he is going, but they will follow him later. This is different from what Jesus told the Jews. To that group, he stated that they could not come at all (John 8:21). Peter did come to that point and mentioned it in II Peter 1:14. But at this point, Peter does not want to be separated from his beloved Lord. He demands to know why it must be later, he wanted to follow Jesus now. He was willing to lay down his life, if necessary, to remain with Jesus.

Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked permission from God to try him (Job 1:7-12). Jesus uses the plural “you” in this statement (Luke 22:31), so though he is directly speaking to Peter, he also includes the other disciples. Matthew and Mark’s account makes this clear. The shepherd, Jesus, would be struck, and the sheep, his disciples, would be scattered in fulfillment of prophecy (Zechariah 13:7). This would happen that very night. Jesus desired that Peter’s faith not fail, but he knew Peter would waver for a time and would need to repent. Showing his confidence in Peter, Jesus told him that when he does return, he must strengthen the brethren. Thus, Jesus is answering Peter’s question. Peter cannot come with Jesus now because he isn’t strong enough yet and has work to do later when his faith is strengthened. Jesus tells them that after he is raised from the dead, he will meet them in Galilee.

Perhaps grasping Jesus’ implication of what is about to happen to him. Peter declares that he would not stumble even if everyone else is forced to stumble. Peter also declared he was ready to go to prison and die with Jesus. But Jesus sadly tells him that before the next dawn, he will have denied knowing Jesus three times. Peter again denies that he would do any such thing. Even if he had to die with Jesus, he would remain faithful. The other disciples joined him in their own protests that they would never deny the Lord.

Jesus has shown the disciples the way (John 14:1-12)

The idea that Jesus would die and do so without them disturbed the disciples greatly, but Jesus attempted to calm their fears. He tells them to have faith in both God and him. In heaven, there is plenty of room for everyone. There is no limit on the number who can enter. Jesus had mentioned this before (Luke 14:22). And while Jesus is gone, he would prepare places to welcome each of them when they come to join him (I Thessalonians 4:17). Though the King James Version uses the word “mansion” here, the Greek word is a place where a person lives either temporarily or permanently. Though the splendor of heaven will certainly seem as if we are living in mansions, the wording in this passage doesn’t demand such an implication.

Jesus assures them that if he goes, he will certainly return to get them (Philippians 1:23). Thus, he affirms that he will be returning (Acts 1:11). And besides, the disciples, though they cannot come with him now, do know where Jesus is going and how to get there. This deeply confuses the disciples; they have no idea at the moment where Jesus is going, let alone knowing how to get there themselves, and Thomas was bold enough to point this out to Jesus.

Jesus had declared several times that he was from heaven (John 7:28-29), and he stated that he would be returning there (John 8:14; 13:3). But Jesus answers Thomas’ question by stating that he is the one and only way to the Father. Therefore, Jesus answered Thomas’ question as to where he is going: he is going to the Father, and he answered the question about how to get there: the only way is by following Jesus (John 10:9; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:18; Hebrews 7:25; I Peter 2:21; 3:18).

Jesus’ declaration that he is the way leads to the movement he established being known as “The Way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 24:14, 22; Romans 3:17; Hebrews 10:19-20; II Peter 2:2, 21). This is as had been prophesied (Isaiah 35:8-9; 42:16).

Jesus’ statement that he is the truth is interesting when combined with his later statement in John 17:17 that God’s word is truth. This is not a contradiction but a continuation of the theme laid out from the beginning of John. Jesus is the Word (John 1:1-3, 14). The text that we know as the Bible is Jesus revealed to us.

If we know Jesus, we know the Father because their unity is complete. To know one is to know the other (Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:2-3). In many ways, the disciples had seen hints of this (Matthew 16:18) but had not fully appreciated what Jesus had shown them. However, Jesus indicates that would change soon. Yet Philip demonstrates that the disciples still are not grasping fully what Jesus is saying. Philip asks if they can physically see the Father. If they could, it would be enough for them. In the years they spent with Jesus, they still did not fully grasp that God was with them (Matthew 1:23). Jesus told them that if they had truly seen him, they had seen the Father (Colossians 1:15).

The disciples did not realize that Jesus and the Father were together this whole time. And that when Jesus taught, he was telling them the words of the Father, who authorized all that Jesus did among them. When Jesus did miracles, it was a demonstration of the power of the Father working through him (John 5:19; 7:16; 8:28; 10:38; 12:49). If they cannot believe that Jesus and the Father dwell intimately together, then they should at least accept this because of the works Jesus has done among them (John 5:36).

The works that he has done among them are works that they, as his apostles, will also do. In a sense, they would be greater works because when they begin their work, Jesus would be in heaven, thus opening the door to salvation. The apostles will reach more people in Jesus’ name because of the foundation that Jesus has laid (I Corinthians 15:1-4, 14).

Jesus will continue to help the disciples through the Holy Spirit (John 14:13-27)

Though absent physically from them, Jesus promises continued aid to the disciples. They have to ask, and Jesus would do it. This is not a blank check, as some would desire it to be, because Jesus qualifies the offer by saying he would answer whatever they ask in his name. In other words, what they ask must be something that Jesus approves and authorizes. There will be times when God says “no.” Paul asked for a problem to be removed, and the answer was “no” (II Corinthians 12:7-10). What Paul asked for wasn’t wrong, but God didn’t approve because of a greater need. This promise of Jesus is further evidence of his deity because no man could rightly offer what Jesus gave to his disciples. Jesus answering his disciples’ prayers would bring further glory to the Father.

On the disciples’ part, Jesus told them that if they loved him, they would keep his commandments (I John 5:2-3). He, in turn, would send them another helper. By saying “another,” Jesus is stating that he has been a helper to them and would be sending another helper as well. The Holy Spirit would be that helper. Jesus could only stay a short while on earth, but the Spirit would remain with the disciples forever through the words he would bring (Matthew 28:20).

The word for “helper” in the Greek is parkletos. It is difficult to translate into English because the word has a broader application than any single English word can convey. It means “one called or sent for to strengthen or assist.” Used in a legal setting, it would be applied to an attorney who assists a defendant with the charges brought against him. But there is a subtle shade of meaning in that this word is not typically used for a professional attorney but someone who offers aid because of friendship. It was used in classical Greek to refer to someone who encouraged a soldier before battle. It can also refer to a teacher, a mentor, or an advisor.

Jesus also calls him the Spirit of Truth because that would be his role, to reveal the Truth to the disciples (John 16:13). The world, that is the ungodly of the world, cannot accept his existence or understand him. Still, the disciples would accept and understand him because they would dwell with him.

Jesus again assures the disciples that they will not be abandoned like orphans. He again reassures them that he will come back for them. Shortly, he would no longer be in the world, but the disciples would continue to see him – not physically, but through their faith. And because Jesus would continue to live, he could also offer eternal life to them. Though they and the world cannot see him physically, the disciples would know that Jesus is with the Father in heaven. They would continue their intimate relationship with Christ and he with them. That relationship is founded on their love for each other and their obedience to Christ because of their love for him (I John 2:5).

Judas, who also went by the name Thaddaeus, could not figure out how they could be aware of Jesus while the rest of the world could not see him. Remember that they had fixed in their minds that Jesus would be establishing an earthly kingdom. How Jesus would do this public feat of being seen by a few and not by the majority was something he couldn’t fathom.

Jesus emphasizes that the intimate relationship between the Father, himself, and the disciples is founded on obedient love. Thus, the answer to Judas’ question is that this is a spiritual relationship, not a physical one. The world, through its sins, had abandoned a relationship with God (Psalm 58:3; Isaiah 1:4; Ephesians 2:12; 4:18; Colossians 1:21). The idea of God making His abode with man alludes back to the Old Testament, where the Tabernacle and later the Temple were seen as the house of God. However, everyone knew that a physical building could not contain God. Yet it is in the Temple where God’s presence was known to exist. And when Israel strayed, God showed His displeasure by withdrawing His presence. Now that the Temple would no longer be the center of worship, Jesus told his disciples that God’s presence would not be withdrawn. It would be found in each lovingly obedient disciple (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 6:16).

It seems almost too simple, but what drives real obedience is love for the lawgiver. A person who does not obey God’s laws does not love God – whatever their protests to the contrary might be. Jesus manifests God; thus, all that he taught is God’s words, something he has told them often (John 5:19; 7:16; 8:28; 12:49).

Jesus told them, but when the Spirit comes, he will teach them all things. There were many things that Jesus said that the disciples could not grasp. But when the Spirit came, He would further instruct them so that they would understand, and He would give them an accurate memory of what Jesus said, allowing them to both learn and teach others (I Corinthians 2:7- 16; II Peter 1:16- 21).

Jesus would leave them peace. It isn’t a worldly view of peace. Some people only believe peace exists when it is imposed around them. The peace Jesus leaves comes from within and exists regardless of outside forces. It is a peace built upon the solid foundation of an intimate relationship with God (Romans 5:1; 8:6; Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15). Soon, times would be trying, but Jesus tells them not to let their hearts be troubled or to allow themselves to be afraid.

Jesus must depart (Luke 22:35-38; John 14:28-31)

Rather than being sad that Jesus was leaving them, Jesus urges them to rejoice because he was returning to the Father, who is greater than himself. Recall that Jesus gave up his position to come to earth (Philippians 2:5-8). The Father, who has remained in the glory of Heaven, is prepared to welcome His Son back and will bestow great glory on him (Philippians 2:9-11). There is a mild rebuke in Jesus’s words: if they loved Jesus, they would rejoice in his elevation. Jesus is hinting that the reason they are sad is in part from a selfish desire to keep him for themselves. He is telling them all these things in advance so they can and will believe when it does happen. Jesus understands they are having difficulty accepting what he is saying, but the difficulty will dissipate once hard evidence is received.

Jesus warns them that he has little time left to talk with them. He can’t spend it all trying to convince them he will leave. The ruler of this world, Satan, is preparing to make his move (John 12:31; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; I John 4:4; 5:19; Revelation 12:9). Satan will find no foothold in Christ to rule over him and thus will move to destroy what he cannot control.

But Jesus is going through this to prove to the world the depth of his love for the Father. Just as Jesus told his disciples that if they love him, they will obey him, so Jesus will prove to all that he loves the Father by doing what the Father has commanded (Philippians 2:8; Hebrews 5:8).

Jesus reminded the disciples that they were sent out with nothing, yet they never lacked anything (Matthew 10:10-15; Mark 6:8-9). It was a reminder that God would watch over them. But now conditions have changed. They need to be prepared to take care of themselves. Not that God won’t continue to watch over them, but they will be alone in dangerous and hostile regions. Saying that they should sell their clothing, if necessary, to buy a sword is a way of saying the danger is very real and cannot be ignored. They need funds because the people around them won’t always be willing to support them. They will need protection because the areas they will be traveling won’t be safe. But until then, things must come to a completion, and he must be arrested (Isaiah 53:12).

Though Jesus spoke about the future, the disciples again misunderstood and took his words to mean the present. They pointed out that they had two swords with them. Even Jerusalem can be dangerous at times, and they had some protection. Rather than extend the conversation, Jesus told them it was enough for now – perhaps knowing that mentioning the swords would prepare the scene when he is arrested. Two swords are not typically enough to defend twelve men. But Jesus doesn’t need their defense at this time.

With these words, Jesus told his disciples it was time to leave the feast and the building they had been in. Both Matthew 26:30 and Mark 14:26 mention that they sung a hymn before they left. At exactly what point this occurred, it is not possible to tell. The rest of the discourse will be delivered as they walk out to Gethsemane.