Appearance Before Eleven Apostles

Reading Assignment:

Mark 16:14
John 20:26-31

Did you understand what you read?

  1. When did Jesus next appear to the apostles?
  2. Where did Jesus appear?
  3. What evidence did Jesus offer Thomas?
  4. What conclusion did Thomas reach from the evidence?
  5. Is there a benefit to us that Thomas doubted the other apostles’ testimony?
  6. Is the record of Jesus’ deeds complete or exhaustive?
  7. Why were these particular events selected?

Appearance Before Eleven Apostles

Allaying Thomas’ Doubts (Mark 16:14; John 20:26-29)

Eight days later, which would be the following Sunday, the disciples again were in a room with the doors closed. This time, Thomas was with them. It is a shame that most people remember Thomas because he did not believe the report of his fellow disciples. It is not that Thomas was without faith. It was Thomas, who when seeing that Jesus was determined to return to Judea where people were looking to kill him, told his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him" (John 11:16). He might not have understood everything, but he did not lack courage. We forget that only John believed Jesus was alive before seeing him (John 20:8). The rest of the disciples did not believe until they saw him and the scars from his crucifixion. Thomas’ continued doubts were no different than the other disciples.

But Thomas’ doubts about the other disciples' witness are important in confirming that the disciples did not invent a story to push upon the world. Thomas demanded solid evidence, the same evidence that the other disciples claimed to have received before he would accept their story.

The appearance of Jesus was just like before. He came into a room, but not through the closed doors. Again, he greets them with a message of peace. He offers Thomas the same evidence that was given to the other disciples earlier, challenging him with nearly the same words Thomas spoke earlier. What is interesting is that Thomas goes further with the evidence than the other disciples. They rejoiced to see Jesus alive. Thomas declared him to be his ruler and his God. That he wasn’t rebuked for his declaration proves that Jesus was God in human flesh.

However, Jesus gently reproves Thomas for denying the prior evidence and demanding that only direct evidence would satisfy him. Jesus blesses those who believe even when they do not have direct evidence for themselves (I Peter 1:8-9; II Corinthians 5:7).

Why did Jesus wait so long before appearing to the disciples again and allaying Thomas’ doubts? It was likely to test their faith. Despite his own disbelief in the disciples’ reports, Thomas still gathered with them. He and they had not yet given up (James 1:2- 4).

Other Miracles (John 20:30-31)

Thomas’ confession becomes the climax of the book of John, which begins with the declaration that the Word is God. The book of John was written so that we, as its readers, might have faith that leads to eternal life (John 5:24). There were numerous other miracles that John could have mentioned and recorded, but he selected these few to prove to us that Jesus is the Son of God (Hebrews 2:3-4).