The Popularity of Jesus

Text: John 12:12-26

I.          We are now in the final week of Jesus’ life

             A.         He had entered Bethany six days before the Passover.

                          1.          The Passover always came on the 14th day of the first month in the Jewish calendar. As a result, the day of the week it fell on varied from year to year. - Exodus 12:1-13:16; Leviticus 23:5

                                       a.          This day was a holy day, or sometimes called a special Sabbath - Leviticus 23:3-5

                          2.          Another feast, the feast of Unleavened Bread, occurred at the same time of year. This feast lasted one week and began the day after the Passover - Exodus 23:15; 34:18; Leviticus 23:6

                                       a.          This feast started and ended with a special Sabbath - Leviticus 23:7-8; Numbers 28:17-18, 25

                          3.          This makes determining the days of the events a bit challenging. Some refer to events on the Sabbath, but is it the Sabbath or the special Sabbath of Passover. Some refer to the Passover, but we can’t readily tell which day of the week Passover fell this particular year.

                          4.          As a result you will find varying guesses.

             B.         We are now five days before the Passover (Monday?)

II.         People heard that Jesus was going to enter Jerusalem (Read details in Mark 11:1-11)

             A.         They lined the way, placing palm branches and their own coats in the street - Matthew 21:8

                          1.          This was the way they indicated victory or success (2 Macc 10:7, Rev 7:9)

             B.         Jesus insisted on riding in on a donkey’s colt. Something his disciples did not understand because a donkey was an ignoble beast, let alone a colt.

                          1.          John tells us that later the disciples remembered this event and understood it was to fulfill the prophecy.

             C.         The crowds upset the Jewish leaders (Read Luke 19:39-40

                          1.          Jesus cleanses the temple a second time - Matthew 21:12-16

                          2.          Miracles were performed in the temple.

                          3.          Children ran around the temple crying out praise to Jesus

                          4.          Again the priests and scribes tried to stop this joy.

             D.         As a result, the leaders accused each other of not doing their duty.

III.        Even foreign nationals sought out Jesus

             A.         Since these were here to worship at the feast, they can be assumed to be Jewish converts.

             B.         They had approach Philip about seeing the Christ. Philip was from Bethsaida, which was near the Greek region of Israel.

             C.         Word was to Jesus by Andrew and Philip.

             D.         Jesus said that the hour has arrived for his glory

IV.       Jesus then hints at the ultimate glory - his death for mankind

             A.         Produce is only gained when the seed is planted and dies - indicating Jesus’ death and burial.

                          1.          The result is more than a single seed, but an abundance.

             B.         Jesus said that life in this world is not nearly as important as eternal life.

             C.         If we are to serve Jesus, we must follow him.

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