The Death of Jesus

Text: John 19:16-30

I.          Pilate issued the order for Jesus’s death

             A.         We know from Roman history that those chosen to die by crucifixion were forced to carry the cross-beam of their cross around the city so everyone could see and taunt the criminal. John mentioned he left bearing his own cross - John 19:17

             B.         We assume this happened to Jesus and that he was too weak to make the journey as the gospels of Mark and Matthew mentions that Simon was pressed into service to carry the cross - Mark 15:21 (and Matthew 27:32)

             C.         They came to Golgotha, just outside the gates of Jerusalem. The name means “the place of a skull.”

II.         Jesus was crucified between two other criminals, two thieves.

             A.         They offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh (or gall, which means bitter) – a drug to deaden the pain – but Jesus refused it. - Mark 15:23

             B.         They then nailed him to the cross

             C.         Above his head, a sign written by Pilate, announced his crime: “King of the Jews”

                          1.          The Jews objected saying the sign should only read that he claimed to be the king of the Jews.

                          2.          Pilate refused to change the wording, saying he wrote what he had written.

             D.         His garments were divided by the guards sent to keep watch that no one attempt a rescue - Matthew 27:35-36

             E.         Jesus’ mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene, and John were all nearby.

                          1.          Jesus asks John to care for his mother - John 19:25-27

             F.         People passing by hurled insults at the men being crucified. - Matthew 27:39-43

                          1.          As people are want to do, they do not show sympathy, but try to show their strength over those who are weak.

                          2.          Even the Jewish leaders got in on the act

             G.         Even one of the thieves could not resist making a dig at Jesus - Luke 23:39

                          1.          Interestingly, the other thief took a stand for Jesus - Luke 23:40-43

III.        For three hours Jesus hung on the cross

             A.         Darkness covered the land (note: too long for an eclipse) - Mark 15:33

             B.         At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out - Mark 15:34

                          1.          Those standing near misunderstood his words, thinking he was calling for Elijah

                          2.          Jesus mentioned he was thirsty - John 19:28

                          3.          They ran to get him a drink of soured wine (vinegar) so he could continue to talk and so they could see if Elijah would answer - Mark 15:35-36

             C.         At the end he said two things

                          1.          It is finished - John 19:30

                          2.          And a call to God - Luke 23:46

IV.       At his death, wonders occurred - Matthew 27:51-53

             A.         His words, and what followed, impressed the Centurion, a Roman, unlike the Jews - Luke 23:47, Mark 15:39

             B.         The crowds reacted in terror - Luke 23:48-49

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