Aren’t curse words of human origin?

Question: I understand the Bible commands us to “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). I understand the Bible says, “bless and do not curse” (Romans 12:14). I understand the passage of James 3:1-12. If you think for a moment,…

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Will God forgive me for using His Son’s name in vain?

Question: I was reading your web site about using God’s name or Jesus’ name in vain. I was reading it because this morning I made a big, huge mistake! My 10-year-old daughter was asked to sit next to her 9-month-old brother on the couch so that I could grab his bottle from the kitchen. She…

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How do we teach against bad language?

Question: How do we teach against bad language with easy steps for rectification? Answer: The number one way to prevent bad language is for the parents and anyone else involved in the training of the child not to use bad language. Children imitate what they see and hear around them. That is their primary way…

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I need help handling teenage dress and language problems

Question: I need another outlook about fashion statements of today in the church. Young ladies are exposing themselves and young men are out of control with their dress and their mouth. I have covered I Corinthians and Deuteronomy 22 and a few other chapters. Can you help me put this in perspective?   Answer: I…

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Careful What You Say

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Have you paid close attention to your speech recently? Many of us say things that should embarrass us if we truly understood what we said. The words that we chose to express ourselves are important. According to Matthew 12:32-37, we will give an account to God for every idle word that we…

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Is it right for my dad to still spank me at nineteen?

Question: I’ve read your ‘Answers’ section and have a question of my own regarding spanking. My father is a devout Christian and shares your views on not sparing the rod. I am nineteen now and am still given very sound spankings by my father. He uses a leather strap or small switch and often lays…

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It Just Slipped Out … Of What?

by Bryan Matthew Dockens When excusing themselves for uttering profanities or curses, the kind of words which should never escape our mouths (Ephesians 4:29), many will say, “I’m sorry; it just slipped out”. But what did those corrupt words slip out of, exactly? Jesus explained, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth…

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What Comes Out of Your Mouth

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 3:1-12   I.         People are not known for their consistency II.        What we say does not match what we do             A.        The Pharisees talked about doing the right things, but they did not put them to practice in their own lives – Matthew 23:1-4             B.        Claim one thing, do something else – Titus…

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