Should I give up my phone for Lent?

Question: Hi, I’m Catholic, and we have a thing called Lent, which is the forty days before Easter, where we give something up. I’m wondering if I should give up my phone because it’s the reason I look at porn and that. But I was thinking that I should give something else up, then give…

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Can someone be baptized who is still struggling with pornography?

Question: My friend keeps watching pornography, he says he is trying to stop, but he keeps failing. He wants to be baptized, but when I baptize him and he keeps on doing so, will God keep on forgiving him, or will his Christianity just fade away to God? Answer: There is a difference between wanting…

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Can a Christian who fell into sexual sin return to God?

Question: I want to tell you about my friend. He is facing some confusion regarding his Christian life. He had committed adultery after baptism having had sexual relations with a lady older than him. He was baptized at the age of 16, but according to him the real evil thoughts and evil work in his…

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I lied to my wife about my adultery. Do I have to tell her?

Question: Hi, I am writing this email to ask a serious question about my life. I’m a Christian. I have been married for three years. But I had a problem with sex “addiction” (I’m not that sure if it’s or not). I am highly drawn to girls since I was young just to have sex…

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My husband left me and I’m not certain if I should divorce him

Question: I met my husband 21 years ago. We never married until last year. We have two children 9 and 11. When I met him, we had a great seven years, after that things went downhill, we left each other several times and then we had our first son, he left me when I was…

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Will I get to heaven if I continue to struggle against porn?

Question: Good morning, I am writing to tell you I have been struggling watching porn and to masturbate for a long time now. I have a wife, but I still do those types of things. I’ve tried to get away from it all, but I keep going back to all my old ways. I am…

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I have a problem with eating and pornography

Question: I’ve never done anything like this, but I’ve come to your page on countless occasions. I am 23 years old and, for the most part, your average joe. I accepted Christ in my life less than a year ago. When I first did it, I felt amazing. I had an extra stride in my…

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I’m afraid my son is gay

Question: I sense my son is gay because he has never had a girlfriend. And I have caught him watching gay porn. I raised him in the church, where it is taught that that is a sin. How do I talk to him about his struggles and that his lifestyle is a sin? A sin…

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Troubled Over Immorality

by Connie Adams Nothing can create more havoc in a home or a congregation than immoral behavior on the part of Christians or their children. Webster defines immoral as “Inconsistent with purity or good morals.” Immorality is defined by Webster as “the quality or state of being immoral: wickedness, esp. unchastity.” It is immoral to…

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I keep repeating my sexual sins

Question: I am 27 years old. I am unworthy to say I am a Christian, but I have the knowledge of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I was baptized and have been going to church for more than 20 years. I am working and received many of God’s blessings in my career. I…

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Moments that Test Us

by Mike Thomas Persecution reveals the quality of our faith in the same way fire reveals the nature of metal (I Peter 1:7). But persecution is not the only moment that reveals our character. There are other scenes in life that are just as effective in exposing our inner man: Being Alone Photo by Warren…

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Pornography has ruined my sex life. Has God given up on me?

Question: I’m very ashamed of what I’m about to write. I think God has given me up as Romans 1:24 says. I have been a member of the Lord’s church since my youth, but until recent years I really didn’t try to live faithful to Him. I became involved in pornography during my first marriage…

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How can one know if he is a reprobate?

Question: I was wondering how one would know they are reprobate? I turned to a life of homosexuality for nearly ten years, but recently had a couple of nightmares that scared me into coming back to God. During the time in which I lived in that lifestyle, I attempted to convince myself with Scripture that…

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I’ve been struggling with being sexually pure

Question: I am a 27-year-old Christian virgin male who wants to wait for marriage for sex. I have struggled with maintaining sexual purity, however. I have struggled and been addicted to porn off and on since I was maybe 12 years old. I remember the first time I ever masturbated to completion, I felt so…

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Implicitly Forbidden

by Jeff S. Smith Why do preachers often condemn things that are not even found in the Bible? Where do you ever read about gambling or pornography in your Bible? And where is dancing ever expressly forbidden? Obviously, in explicit (fully revealed) terms, these are not forbidden: there is no “Thou shalt not …” regarding…

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Am I going to hell?

Question: Hello there, My questions are a little silly but I want to ask you: How bad am I in Jesus’ eyes? Considering the short summary, am I going to hell? I’ll tell you about myself so you can understand the questions. I am 18 years old non-Christian boy who lives a normal life with…

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by William C. Sexton The word addiction is one we usually associate with drugs. An “addict” is defined as “one who has a confirmed habit, as the overuse of drugs…” (Webster’s). If we look, however, we can see that one can be addicted to almost anything; that is, to have a “confirmed habit.” I suggest…

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This battle against pornography is bigger than I thought

Question: I know we had this talk before, but unfortunately, I fell again. The trigger this time was a perverted thought about dresses and skirts. I acted on it and I.. well, I fell. I’m going to try again of course, but there was something else I have to get off my chest. I noticed…

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Do I need to confess my use of pornography to my preacher?

Question: God bless. I have been a Christian for many years, but I was addicted to porn and I committed fornication against myself (my body). I never had sex with anybody, just myself. I have repented from that sin, and I recognize my sin, so do I need to confess my sin to God only…

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Lust is a female problem too

Question: Hi! Love the site. May I make a suggestion? Please stop acting as though lust is a problem that only men deal with. In this day and age, we are all being attacked by the spirit of lust. Every time I go to a Christian site, the men always address other men and totally…

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Did my sins cause my pain? If I stop, will my disease go away?

Question: Dear preacher, I am 25 years old. For the past six years, I have been walking with severe heel pain in both legs. I have consulted many doctors, and I have taken many pain killers, steroids, and anti-inflammatory medications but I am unable to walk properly. I was once a district volleyball player, but…

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I have a problem with pornography while my husband doesn’t

Question: Hello! I am a married woman in my early twenties. I have been married for less than a year. I love my husband very much; he and I have been together for several years. We feel that the Lord called us out of worldliness in the past year. We have felt His hand removing…

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Internet Dangers by Lance Blackburn Lessons for Our Time

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How do I be free from sexual sins?

Question: How do I be free from sexual sins? First, I thank God that I came across this website as I was browsing on the Internet. This site really gives me so much to learn. Well, straight to the main problem. I don’t know whether I’m a porn addict or not, but based on my…

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Sexting and Pornography Among Early Teens

Source: Daniel Martin, “Sex texts epidemic: Experts warn sharing explicit photos is corrupting children,” Daily Mail Online, 10 December 2012. The news merely confirms what we already knew: the age at which children are being exposed to sex is dropping. The following are interesting quotes pulled from the article. “Boys and girls as young as 13…

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Is it wrong to read books like Fifty Shades of Grey?

Question: Hello. I have a question about books like Fifty Shades of Grey. Though I have no interest in reading them, I have a few friends and family members who do. I was wondering if reading things like that would be wrong? and if so how could I tell them that it is wrong? Are…

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I can’t accept that my girlfriend is not a virgin. What can I do?

Question: I can’t accept my girlfriend because she isn’t a virgin. I know her past because she told me everything. I have also done sexual things. it is not fair that I can’t accept her. I am also addicted to pornography. I have tried so much to get out. Each time I fall I get…

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Can I overcome pornography by myself?

Question: Hi, I’m 20. You are the first to know what I’m about to say here: When I was in high school, I used to be teased for being very naive. This was because I often didn’t understand those dirty jokes my friends were talking about, sexual terms, etc. So one day I decided to…

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The Link Between Ungodly Entertainment and Fornication

by David Dann via Truth Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, Feb. 2008. The apostle Paul warned the young man, Timothy, saying, “Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (II Timothy 2:22). It is obvious from Paul’s instruction that in order to…

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Sexting Is Now Called “Normal Dating Behavior”

Source: Matt Roush, “UM Study: Sexting May Be Normal Dating Behavior For Internet Generation,” CBS Detroit, 24 July 2012. Source: Deborah Gordon-Messer, et al, “Sexting Among Young Adults,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 24 July 2012. “For young adults today who were weaned on iPods and the Internet, the practice of “sexting,” or sending sexually explicit photos or messages…

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