What Kind of Life Do You Want?

by Dennis Abernathy I recently read this observation about today’s society: “Modern society wants entertainment instead of enrichment and a ‘good time’ rather than a ‘good life.'” Sadly, we see this played out in many people’s lives, and none of us are immune to the temptation to want the same. Instead of being spiritually enriched,…

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Created for a Purpose

by Matthew W. Bassford One of the greatest apparent advantages of a godless way of life is the freedom that it allows. No longer must the unbeliever be concerned with the law of God and whether it permits him to do what he wants to. Instead, he is free to do whatever he thinks is…

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Christianity and Asceticism

by Matthew W. Bassford The other day, I got a text from my brother. It read in part, “If you want a mental exercise, compare and contrast Christianity, Stoicism, and the “Dokkōdō”. See any commonalities?” I’ve read my Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, so I have a handle on Stoicism, but I’d never heard of the…

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The Better Way

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Better-Way.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 4:1-6   I.         What is accepted and praised in the world isn’t always what is best for people             A.        Jesus’s sermon on the mount began with startling facts – Matthew 5:3-12                         1.         When you take the opposites of what Jesus states brings true happiness, you find a list of things…

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https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/Gluttony.mp3 by Jeffrey Hamilton Text: Numbers 11:4-34   I.         Someone, reading an article on the Roman Catholic teachings of the seven deadly sins, was surprised to find that gluttony included “eating too soon, eating with condiments, eating too expensively, and eating with pleasing the palate in mind.”             A.        He wrote to ask, if such were true in…

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Is life only enjoyable for the righteous when they reach heaven?

Question: Hi Jeff, I read in the Scriptures of all the good things, promises, happiness, peace, comfort and more that the righteous are told they will enjoy, but when you consider their life, it is mostly filled with misery. So I ask, is it only in heaven that they will enjoy these things? Thanks. Answer:…

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It’s Not Fair!

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ItsNotFair.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11   I.         Parents of school-age children soon hear the argument, “But everyone else gets to. It’s not fair that I’m the only one who can’t.”             A.        The topic varies with the age of the child, but it ranges from a purchase of an item that you can’t afford or…

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I have a problem with eating and pornography

Question: I’ve never done anything like this, but I’ve come to your page on countless occasions. I am 23 years old and, for the most part, your average joe. I accepted Christ in my life less than a year ago. When I first did it, I felt amazing. I had an extra stride in my…

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Is masturbation wrong because it is pleasurable?

Question: Mr. Hamilton, A Christian friend of mine brought to my attention concerning masturbation, that since the purpose and context for which God created sex to be used is between a married man and woman, (at least as far as the Bible speaks of) that masturbation is in opposition to God’s design for sex and…

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How do I repent of something I enjoyed?

Question: Hello, I’m a Christian and I am a praise and worship leader and a Sunday school teacher in my church. For a while, I have been struggling with my fiance to not have sex, even though we started before but not completing it. However, today we did have sex, and I don’t know how…

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Why would God make homosexuality pleasurable if it was wrong?

Question: Hi, I have been reading through your site. I really can tell you know what you’re talking about. I have a question, but it might seem a little crude. I hope you won’t be offended. I have several friends that are gay and they tell me that being gay is no big deal. They…

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How can I glorify God in everything I do but still have fun in the process?

Question: I’m a 14-year-old guy. Most guys like to play sports, games, computers, etc. Well when I’m taking part in these activities, I’m thinking to myself, “stop idolizing this stuff, you could be reading the Bible instead.” In other words, whenever I am doing something fun, it feels like I should be reading the Word…

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Instant Gratification

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/InstantGratification.mp3 by PJ Anderson

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What Boys, Girls, and Their Parents Need To Know

by Wendi Capehart The following is adapted from an old post the good blogger at Wit-nit wrote. He wished to illustrate just how heady and disorienting a brew lust can be, how dangerous in the hands of the immature, but he is not a believer and he wrote an R-rated post. He allowed me to…

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Is life all about God and never about us?

Question: Is life “all” about God and never about us? If so, are we ever allowed to enjoy personal pleasure for our own benefit? For example, marriage could be considered personal pleasure in that a relationship, future family, and sex are all involved. Or what about entertainment such as playing video games, or playing a…

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What is gluttony and are all pleasure-seeking activities wrong?

Question: I recently stumbled upon a Wikipedia article on the Seven Deadly Sins, one of which is gluttony.  I had always thought of gluttony as an immoderate consumption of food, but Catholicism apparently expands this definition to include: 1) eating too soon 2) eating with condiments 3) eating too expensively 4) eating with pleasing the palate…

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Is it a sin to enjoy getting aroused from what I wear?

Question: I just enjoy wearing white nylon briefs. It makes me aroused, but nothing more than that. After arousal, I put them off and wear my normal shorts because it looks like a sin. Is it a sin or a psychological problem? Is it not normal? Answer: What you are doing is pursuing sensuality, which…

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