Preach the Word

by Jefferson David Tant “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not…

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On Offending Others

by Jefferson David Tant Did you ever offend someone? Have you ever been offended? I am quite sure we can all answer “Yes” to both of those questions. And while it should never be our intent to offend others, we know it does happen. Sometimes it is done unintentionally, while there are times when we…

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Jesus, the Stone of Stumbling

by Doy Moyer “But the LORD (Yahweh) of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants…

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Does I Corinthians 8 apply to not annoying fellow Christians?

Question: After reading Would it be wrong to be buried in a denominational graveyard? I have a question: I knew that I Corinthians 8 addressed eating meat offered to idols.  I thought this portion referred to stronger Christians refraining from activities that may cause weaker Christians to stumble. For example, I had an active role…

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Do I need to apologize when I didn’t intend to cause an offense?

Question: Hello Mr. Jeffrey, I have a question.  Recently I visited a church small group. It so happened that the group, which was lead by a man, had 9 women and 2 men which is significantly more skewed than the general church’s ratio. I obviously was weirded out by this ratio and said, “If I…

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Everything offends me

Question: Hi, I read your article on the spirit of offense. I’ve been a believer for 40 years. Over that time, I’ve been harassed by unbelievers, assaulted by boyfriends who claimed to be saved, bullied by bosses and coworkers, and church workers have been rude and pushy, to say the least. The results? Depression, shame,…

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Does Jesus Offend You? by Raymond Warfel, Jr. 2018 Spring Meeting

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Abigail’s Example by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         There is much to learn from the pages of the Old Testament             A.        It is true that we no longer live under the Law of Moses. It passed out of existence when Jesus died upon the cross. However, it doesn’t mean than God meant for the Christian to discard its teachings.…

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On Stumbling Blocks and Offenses

by Doy Moyer via On Stumbling Blocks and Offenses at Moyer Press and Manipulating Offenses and People at Moyer Press When Paul made his arguments in Romans 14, he spoke of never putting “a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother” (Romans 14:13). This is one of the most significant ways that we can “pursue what…

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Offense by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text Matthew 15:21-28   I.         We live in a society with a chip on its shoulder             A.        People are looking for reasons to complain and to blame.             B.        Say the wrong word and you will find your job in jeopardy, close friends will split, or long standing members of the church will leave…

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What is the spirit of offense?

Question: What is the spirit of offense? How do you know if you have it? Why do so many churches use this phrase against people to control them? Answer: The phrase “spirit of offense” is not found in the Bible. People can cause offenses by their behavior, but using the phrase “spirit of offense” implies…

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That Preacher Offended Me!

by Harry Osborne What would you think of a preacher whose sermons offended people and were taken as insulting by the hearers? What if a preacher caused the audience to be filled with anger because of the hard things that he said? What if he went so far as to mock false beliefs? Regardless of…

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Why did Jesus ignore the Canaanite woman?

Question: In reference to Matthew 15:22-28, this passage talks about a woman who approaches Jesus asking for help for her daughter. It appears from what she says that she was quite aware of who He was by referring to Him as the Son of David. My question – Why did Jesus not initially answer her,…

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The Offensive Christ

by Johnny Ramsey via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 55, No. 24, June 16, 2006 In Galatians 5:11, we read of “the offense of the cross.” To some in Corinth, nothing was as distasteful as the preaching of the crucified Savior. In Athens, Paul was mocked for preaching the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:12). To be perfectly honest, Christ…

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