The “Come as You Are” Method of Church Growth

by Mike Johnson Churches want to grow in number, but, sadly, many improper methods are used by churches today to increase their membership. One of these is the “Come as You Are” method. This method of growth is prevalent today in denominationalism. Slogans such as “God loves you no matter what” or “We don’t judge…

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What Are You Doing for the Lord’s Church?

by Terry Wane Benton It is not what the church is doing for you, but rather, what are you doing for the Lord’s church? Jesus died and spilled His blood for the church. She is His bride, and she is special, purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). He expects us to keep her pure,…

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The Separation of Church and State

by Andy Sochor Copyright: © 2015 Lee Edwin Coursey, used with permission There is an ongoing debate in our society about the “separation of church and state.” Though the phrase is not used in any of this country’s founding documents, many understand it to be a fundamental principle upon which this nation was built. However,…

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Can’t Christians meet on other days of the week?

Question: In regards to “Can I attend an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship instead of a church while at college?” My first question is on “One departure from the Lord’s church that you mention is that they have services on Tuesdays, but the church meets on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:1).”…

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What If the Lord’s Church Was up to You?

by Terry Wane Benton What if a local church of Christ in your area was totally up to you? What if the Lord was counting on you to make sure there is a sound, biblical and encouraging church that existed and continued to hold up the truth of the gospel? If it weakens or dies,…

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Measuring Acceptability

by Whit Sasser In II Corinthians 8:12 we read, “For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.” This principle of God’s word is to be respected, as well as all others. Sadly, there seem to be many areas…

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Feeling Wanted and Needed

by Terry Wane Benton We were very young (24) when we first started preaching full time or “living of the gospel” (I Corinthians 9:7-14). God providentially put us in the right place (Berney Points in Birmingham, AL) for this early training ground. We needed to feel wanted and needed in this first attempt, and the…

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U.S. Church Membership Declines to Under 50%

Source: Jeffrey M. Jones, “U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time,” Gallup News, 29 March 2021. “47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999.” “The decline in church membership is primarily a function of the increasing number of Americans who express no…

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Love It or Leave It

by Ed Harrell Vanguard Vol 3, No 21, November 11, 1977 It is difficult to keep one’s thinking truly un-denominational. Proud, carnal attitudes constantly make their way into spiritual affairs. The sources of jealousy and strife today are the same carnal attitudes that plagued the Corinthian church (I Corinthians 3:1-5). I think few people have…

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Into What Were You Baptized?

by Floyd Chappelear Sentry Magazine, March 2000 Which came first? Admission into the church universal or the local church? To some, baptism is an ordinance of the church (that is, the local church). From that perspective, one is baptized into the local church. The truth of the matter is, however, that one is baptized into…

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Working with the Smaller Groups

by Mike Davis Since 1975, God has blessed me to work “full time” with His children and to seek and save the lost. During these several years, God has permitted me to speak the gospel to large crowds (the most was over 200 at one time), and to speak the gospel in several states other…

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We Are Not a Religious Non-Denomination

by Terry Campbell Sentry Magazine, September 2001 “Denominationalism” denotes a group of people devoted to a specific religious belief system who assemble under the name of a person, or concept, as their focus within a formal organizational environment governed by those of prominence that hold to that belief system. They have creeds and by-laws that…

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Religion that Lives in the Past

Author Unknown Sentry Magazine, December 2001 (Editor’s note: I would love to give credit to the author of this excellent piece but there was no name attached to the article. There may have been one on the envelope but when it was detached from the article it became impossible to give proper credit. I wish…

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Identifying a New Testament Church

by Steve Dewhirst Sentry Magazine, December 2002 Traditionally, we gospel preachers have spoken of “identifying the New Testament church” in an effort to distinguish it from the sects roundabout. But in so doing, we have sometimes obscured the true nature of the body of Christ. We begin to preach about the church Jesus said He…

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The Church’s Purpose

by Bill Hall What is the purpose of the Lord’s church? Is it to eradicate poverty, disease, social injustice, illiteracy from among men? Is it to bring about a cessation of war and conflict? Is it to campaign for a temptation-free society for Christians to live in? If the church had as one of its…

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Denominationalizing the Work of the Lord

by Jerry F. Bassett Sentry Magazine, March 2003 To denominate is “to give a name to: designate,” according to Miriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. This same source defines a religious denomination as “a religious organization uniting local congregations in a single legal and administrative body — denominational” being the adjectival form of this term. A local…

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When the Number Is Few

by Terry Wane Benton We often show a lack of faith when we compare a small church to a large church. Some want to hide in a large crowd and they fail to grow spiritually. Jonathan had the right quality of faith. Jonathan and his armorbearer attack the Philistines I Samuel 14:12-14″Then Jonathan said to…

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What Is It?

Flavil L. Colley Firm Foundation, January 20, 1948, p. 3 “Now, a denomination— what is it? I think the following will prove true: A denomination is a religious organization larger than any local church on earth and yet smaller than all the Christian people on earth. Think of the statement thus made. What is a…

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Why is the church both the body of Christ and the bride of Christ?

Question: Please, why is the church called the body of Christ and at the same time called the bride of Christ? Thanks. Answer: People are known by a variety of names and titles because one name doesn’t completely describe a person or his relationship with other people. I’m known as “Jeff” to friends, but in…

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What do I do about a leading member living with a woman?

Question: What should an individual member do when faced with a leading member, teacher, and song leader is living together with a woman of the church. It seems that the entire church is trying to ignore it. I talked to the preacher and he gave a lengthy explanation, saying the member is impotent and that…

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The Church Is Still the Church

by Doy Moyer “Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory” (Psalms 63:2). David wrote that while on the run in the wilderness. While the temple had not been built, David would have thought of the tabernacle and perhaps imagined what a future temple would look like. Thinking…

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How to Grow as a Local Congregation by Wayne Fancher I. Teach The Next Generations Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Joel 1:3 Tell your children about it, Let your children tell their children, And their children another generation. Acts 20:32 “So now,…

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Should there be only one eldership per country?

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, greetings. Please, I need your views on this idea that is being taught by a very influential brother in Ghana. According to the brother, all the churches in one country were under just one eldership. His argument is that the churches in the apostolic age were persecuted churches, which met in…

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Giving Respect by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Malachi 1:6-14   I.         The word translated as “respect” in our Bibles comes from an interesting Greek word, entrepo.             A.        The word has two, seemingly conflicting, definitions.                         1.         It can mean showing respect or honor – Hebrews 12:9                         2.         It can mean having shame – Titus 2:6-8             B.        Even our English word “respect” as…

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Why Congregations Dwindle

by Connie W. Adams “Empty Pews” by Carol Von Canon on Flickr It is not uncommon to see congregations that once were large and active in the Lord’s work gradually dwindling. The natural question is, “Why?” I believe the following reasons must be considered. People moving away Sometimes workers are transferred, or lose jobs and…

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Dear Neighbor

Adapted from a flier sent out by the Church of Christ at Appleton, Wisconsin Are you looking for a more genuine relationship with Jesus? Do you long for a deeper sense of peace and hope in your life? Perhaps the Christians at Elm Grove can help. We don’t claim to be perfect or have all…

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How does God view switching congregations?

Question: Good morning, Mr. Jeffrey! My husband and I have decided to switch our church membership to another local body of believers. God says that He places each member how He sees fit (I Corinthians 12:18), but I cannot find a biblical reference to how God moves people to different churches after they joined their…

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My church is just me in my room

Question: G’day Minister, I just wanted, on impulse, to pay my respects and say what a fantastic premise you operate as a ‘church’. No frills, no nonsense, no pretensions – instead, just good old fashioned and solid focus on Scripture. I am most impressed, as I’m sure the Lord must be as well. And, yes,…

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Can we worship at home because it is more convenient?

Question: Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is home worship acceptable on Sunday by a family if they were unable to get to church? Can it continue for convenience? Answer: If a family wishes to establish a church in an area that doesn’t have a church nearby, that would be…

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Church Closings

by Whit Sasser [Author’s Note: Recently, I was asked to speak at the closing of a congregation. Here are a few of my remarks, with much of the specifics omitted.] There are no 2000 years old congregations in existence. The Lord’s churches in Corinth, Ephesus, and Philippi eventually disbanded, folded, closed the doors. As to…

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How does a new Christian deal with problems in the church?

Question: Dear Jeffrey, I really love and enjoy reading most of your articles and Q&As. It has guided me to answer some of the dilemmas I faced as a young Christian. I came to the Lord’s church as a truth seeker and made my way to find a local congregation that follows the New Testament…

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Receiving the Kingdom by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 12:25-29   I.         Sometimes terminology can interfere with our understanding             A.        When you’ve been a part of something for a while, we develop jargon. But newcomers don’t understand the jargon             B.        It happens in business, but it also happens in the church.                         1.         There are different terms for the church: body, kingdom,…

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Blooming Where You Are Planted by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 3:1-6   I.         I was reading an article by Hiram Kemp titled, “Six Ways to Thrive in a Weak Church”             A.        The points were good, but it also had me thinking about the difficulties we face in this region.                         1.         There are not many faithful churches and most struggle.                         2.         Some are…

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You Must Be Born Again by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 3:1-22   I.         I had a fellow ask me if I had been born again.             A.        In particular, he wanted to know how I came to believe such a thing.             B.        When I replied with I John 2:3-6; 4:6; 5:2-3, he became quite upset             C.        He wanted to know how I was…

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Churches of Christ Are Different

by Wayne S. Walker “… The churches of Christ greet you” (Romans 16:16). Non-denominational, New Testament churches of Christ are different from other religious organizations.  Even the very terms by which they identify themselves are different.  It is clear that congregations of Christ’s followers in the first century were known as “churches of Christ.”  Thus,…

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Would your church be a good fit?

Question: I have friends who are soon to be married. Both are leaving their church to find one together. Both very much need a Bible preaching church and also a church that allows the Holy Spirit to move. Would this be a good fit? One coming from a conservative church and one comes from a…

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Cafeteria-Style Religion

by Ethan R. Longhenry An investigation of the local bookstore or magazine rack or a quick search on the Internet shows how Americans today are very interested in “spirituality.” Plenty of books abound across the whole spectrum — “Christian inspiration,” “New Age,” and many books describing elements of Eastern religions. These trends were recently documented…

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Did the kingdom exist before Jesus’ death?

Question: Brother Hamilton, We know from the information the kingdom/church was established in Jerusalem on Pentecost. We can also see the numerous passages speaking of the kingdom being “at hand.” Even just before the cross, on the cross with the thief, and after the cross, we see several comments intimating that the kingdom is still…

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