How dare you claim that the book of Enoch is uninspired!

Question: Dear Minister, How dare you claim my beloved book of Enoch an uninspired work of men! People like you are just afraid to accept that angels descended upon earth and fornicated with earthly women and procreated giants. Yes, Jesus said that angels do not marry- they do not marry in heaven, but angels have powers…

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Belief in the book of Enoch and Constantine’s church

Question: I was scanning through web sites and ran into your comments on gen 6;5 and Enoch book Jesus said as in the days of Noah so it will be in the end ,did we miss that Satin was thrown out of Heaven ,that he saw God clone Adam and perverted that activity first ,…

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Why have some books been left out of the Bible?

Question: If the books in the Bible were written by apostles, was Moses considered an apostle? What of Isaiah and Samuel? Were they considered apostles? Is it not said in the book of Matthew that nothing was to be taken from the Old Testament? I’m just curious because if this is true, those books in…

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Is it possible that early Christians added to the book of Enoch?

Question: Is it possible that early Christians added to the book of Enoch? or was it a work relying heavily upon the book of Daniel where the physical description of the throne and the Messiah are strikingly similar. i.e. “Hair on his head was like pure wool” (Daniel 7:9). I have been reading the book…

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Why don’t you use the Book of Enoch?

Question: I really love your site. I thought your understanding of Scripture was awesome and that you guys are doing a great job. However, your interpretation of Genesis 6 is completely off, and I pray that because of this the sheep are not lead astray. I say this because if your students, or anyone, understood what…

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The Book of Enoch by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 4:1-3   I.         I received a letter that objected to a lesson in one of the workbooks posted on our website.             A.        There was an explanation of Genesis 6:4 that this person found objectionable.                         1.         “Sons of God” can refer to angels (Job 1:6) or to the righteous (Hosea 1:10)…

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