Mara or Naomi? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ruth 1:19-21   I.         Life has its ups and downs. How do you respond?             A.        Do you rail at life and God? Do you decide life is a misery?             B.        Naomi had a hard life.                         1.         Famine caused her family to move to a foreign country – Ruth 1:1                         2.         Her husband then died…

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How Satan Divides Brethren

by Larry Rouse The Three Pillars of False Movements   I.         We should not be surprised at the tactics of Satan.             A.        When working with other men we must constantly be humbled and because of that be willing to follow the wisdom of God. (James 4:13-18)                         1.         When we trust God it becomes all about Him and we…

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Thank you for the article “Overcoming Bitterness”

Question: Good Morning Sir, I read the article by Lawrence Kelley on Overcoming Bitterness and I read the 3 points on identifying the characteristics of bitterness to our Wednesday Night Bible study class. Our minister was so touched by this that he wants to post a copy on our bulletin board and website because he…

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The Root of Bitterness

by Matthew W. Bassford Most of us have had an experience, invariably bad, with bitter people. Something has happened to them that they have continued to resent for years or decades, and they often take out their resentment on those who are closest to them. Frequently, we turn to Hebrews 12:15 for a Biblical condemnation…

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Everything offends me

Question: Hi, I read your article on the spirit of offense. I’ve been a believer for 40 years. Over that time, I’ve been harassed by unbelievers, assaulted by boyfriends who claimed to be saved, bullied by bosses and coworkers, and church workers have been rude and pushy, to say the least. The results? Depression, shame,…

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Reactionary Apostasy

by Warren E. Berkley via Guardian of Truth, February 1, 1990 Here is a situation that isn’t hypothetical. It is common, and thus worthy of our attention. In a local church where there is a history of objection to the sponsoring church arrangement and other unauthorized innovations, war breaks out. Brethren “bite and devour one another,”…

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I have no friends. I don’t trust anyone

Question: Hi, I found this website by accident. I read some stories and would like to have some guidance and advice. I’m the youngest of four siblings. My parents both work. Both make enough that we can manage. When I was five, my next oldest sister passed away when there was a big earthquake in…

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My husband is changing, but it seems he is getting away with his sins

Question: I have a complicated question. My husband is a preacher. I cannot possibly tell you our life stories, but suffice it to say that we did not have normal upbringings and both became Christians when we were young adults. The first several years of our marriage were filled with much anger, resentment, abuse, and…

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What can I do about my bitter and angry wife?

Question: Dear Minister, Is it OK for my wife to be bitter, hate me, and punish me regularly, but then says she forgives as a Christian? Over five years ago, “out of nowhere,” my wife had a sex affair because she was “mad at me,” when I had done nothing to her to provoke any…

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I regret that I didn’t marry a virgin

Question: I accidentally came across your website and labored in mind whether I should seek some sort of “final” counsel. I don’t know where to start, so please forgive me as I resort to simple point form. When I was 17, I met a lovely girl my age and we dated for some time. Both…

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Your article on bitterness gave me a new perspective

Question: My kids left for college. I have been a single mother for over a decade, and I realized I cannot get rid of the bitterness.  I read the article on bitterness, and I have a different perception that will help me to bring sweetness to my life. Although I live a long way from you,…

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Overcoming Bitterness

by Lawrence Kelley “So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it…

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How do I teach a young woman who harbors anger over the past?

Question: Would you recommend specific passages that I can use for a girl who still harbors pain, anger, resentment, but who is looking for acceptance and love? I have tried to express love and acceptance to her. I think she believes me but doesn’t believe that God loves her. What can I do? Answer: You…

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How do I deal with bitterness against the two fathers of my two daughters?

Question: I would like to know how I can deal with bitterness arising from raising my children alone when their fathers just don’t show any interest. I have two daughters, one from before my marriage, and one out of wedlock. I’m divorced now, but both my children’s fathers refuse to take any interest in them,…

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The Gall of Bitterness

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Reading: Acts 8:14-24   I.         Hebrews 12:14-15             A.        Bitterness is “characterized by animosity; harshly reproachful, caustic, disagreeable; to have a ‘sour’ disposition towards others other things that happened, whether real or imagined.”             B.        Few people want to be bitter, but many slide into it over the years. II.        Causes of bitterness             A.        Pride and arrogance                         1.         Deut.…

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