Posts Tagged ‘head covering’
A Second Century Look at the Covering
by Jeffery Kingry via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 30, 1988 Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian was born about A.D. 150-155 in Carthage, modern-day Tunisia. His father was a Roman Centurion in a North African unit of the Roman Empire. Young Tertullian was raised and educated in Carthage, a city of culture and education…
Read MoreTwo Coverings Under Consideration
by Elvis Smith Some contend that I Corinthians 11:2-16 only requires long hair as a covering on a woman. But I suggest that if that were so, the three phrases like “praying or prophesying” found in I Corinthians 11:4, 5, and 13 would have no real significance. The three “praying or prophesying” phrases tell us…
Read MoreShould a head covering be worn while singing?
Question: I have a question regarding the head covering. My current practice is to cover my head whenever praying, in or out of the worship. And I generally wear it throughout the worship period. But I do not normally cover it for singing outside of the worship. However, the question arises, “Are we praying when…
Read MoreWere the prayers in I Corinthians 11 referring to praying in an unknown tongue?
Question: Good day, Regarding I Corinthians 11:3-16, where women commanded to cover their heads while praying and prophesying. Some argue that the prayer mentioned in that verse was a miraculous activity connected with prophecy. God talked to man through the Spirit. In I Corinthians 14:14, Paul mentioned praying with an unknown tongue. “For if I…
Read MoreI’m confused about whether to wear a head covering or not
Question: I did have a pressing concern, and I’m sorry if you’ve repeated yourself on this topic but it’s about head coverings. I’ve read multiple answers of yours to questions about this and I’ve looked at countless other resources as well and no matter what, I can’t seem to decide which is right. One way…
Read MoreHiram Hutto’s article on the head covering makes a difficult subject easier to understand
Question: Good day brethren, I take this time only to congratulate you, especially brother Hiram O. Hutto, for the head-covering subject that is titled “Command or Custom?” That is a subject I always have difficulty with because of the different views and comments about it, but here, it is very well detailed. I hope that…
Read MoreCan you pray in your mind or with your head covered?
Question: Dear Jeffrey, I have a couple of questions about prayer. Is it OK to pray in your mind if you are someplace where it is not convenient to do so by speaking the words? Is it wrong to pray with a cap on your head (if you are a man)? Answer: When dedicating the…
Read MoreWithout a doubt some of the best and most studied material I have ever read!
Question: Hi, I just wanted to send a quick email of appreciation. For years I have read articles on your website. Without a doubt some of the best and most studied material I have ever read! What a great treasure for the honest-heart searching for pure unbiased truth. The articles posted on your website have…
Read MoreShould it be “for a veil” or “instead of a veil” in I Corinthians 11:15?
Question: Thank you for all of your bible study lessons and for all of the hard work you do! Someone told me about the Greek Word: G473 Anti from I Corinthians 11:15 and said that the hair was given to a woman instead of the veil. Can you please explain to me if G473 anti means instead of or…
Read MoreIs the veil only for married women?
Question: Hello! I read your article about the wearing of the veil by women in the Church. I confess that I was very surprised because I always believed that it was merely a custom — a cultural issue — and that the hair itself was already the veil. But I was convinced by your interpretation…
Read MoreWhy do Christians think they can sin and not go to hell?
Question: Hi sir, I am Muslim, and I have some questions. Please do not ignore them. In Pakistan, where I was brought up, I had a lot of Christian friends. I use to visit their homes and I always felt comfortable with them. I have been to their churches and always stared at the beautiful…
Read MoreThe article “Command or Custom” is wonderful!
Question: Greetings! Thank you for this wonderful article! In my 2+ years of Internet research of I Corinthians 11, I must tell you this is the best article I have ever read that proves I Corinthians 11 is talking about a physical covering and not a woman’s hair as a covering and that it was not custom or cultural practice “back then” and that it…
Read MoreIs the head covering a local custom because it is only mentioned once?
Question: Do you have anything regarding women covering that addresses the notion that it is only mentioned once and therefore cannot be anything of importance since prayer is mentioned several times by the Christ and the apostles spent a lot of time on the subject, but Jesus never says anything about it – just a letter…
Read MoreYour article on head covering was the best-detailed explanation that I have read
Question: Hello Brother, Greetings in Jesus’ name. I recently read an article on women and head covering on your web page and I can say that this is the best-detailed explanation I have gotten on the subject matter. I am even happier that this is coming from an American congregation because, so far, every article written…
Read MoreYour article on Christian liberty was very good
Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, Thank you for your article on “Finding Liberty in Silence.” It was very good. I have been searching for articles and lessons on the topic of Christian liberty because recently I have encountered a few brethren who have commented to me that “we have Christian liberty that allows us to dismiss…
Read MoreI was looking for articles and found one written by someone I knew!
Question: Your website is great! I found it by searching for articles on the covering, which I believe in and diligently practice. I looked at the author, Hiram Hutto. I know this man! I know his daughter, Susan, and her husband, Gary Kerr, an outstanding Gospel preacher. I am distressed that so few Christians believe…
Read MoreYour article on head covering was one of the finest I’ve read
Question: I just finished reading your article on head coverings and agree that it is one of the finest written on the topic. My husband and I have been studying this topic for some time now and have read several articles on both sides of the topic. Thank you so much for writing this so well. I…
Read MoreIs it okay for a Christian to wear a Kippah?
Question: Some people say that wearing a Kippah reminds us of God, who is the Higher Authority above us. But it seems that only the Jews wear Kippahs. Is it okay for a Christian to wear a Kippah? Answer: A kippah is a small skull cap that is worn by many Jewish men during prayers, though…
Read MoreWhy do churches seem to pick and choose what they practice?
Question: I am a married woman who has a general question regarding the Stone-Campbell Movement churches, of which I have been a part of (the ‘fiddling’ branch) since the day I was born. I understand that “where the Bible speaks, we speak,” and that is the reason why we celebrate the practice of communion each and…
Read MoreHow do I decide who is right about head covering?
Question: I did not realize the churches of Christ practice head covering. The church of Christ in my area doesn’t. I am a Christian, and I attend a Baptist church. I have been saved for five years. As I have read the Bible, this is one issue that truly has me confused. I have talked to…
Read MoreWhat if the husband is convinced of the head covering, but his wife isn’t?
Question: What if the husband is convinced of the head covering, but his wife isn’t? Answer: Since the head covering is a sign of submission, the answer is no different from a husband who is convinced that his wife should be submissive, but she isn’t. The command: “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to…
Read More“No Such Custom”: An Exposition of I Corinthians 11:2-16
by Bruce Terry Second Edition Christian Messenger Publishers Montezuma Creek, Utah 84534-0220 Published 1983 Foreword Bruce Terry’s exegesis of I Corinthians 11:2-16 is the most thorough and the most objective study of the covering that has come to my attention. Every Christian, man and woman, should read it carefully. I have great respect for Bruce Terry…
Read MoreDo you allow women to teach or lead prayer in the assembly as long as they wear a covering?
Question: I just came across your article on the covering by Hiram Hutto. We are studying I Corinthians 11 currently. I will study further, but in the meantime, my question is: Do you allow women to teach or lead a prayer (or singing) in the assembly (when men are present) as long as they wear…
Read MoreAre men permitted to wear a hat during worship services?
Question: My question, which I could have said, “Yes I know the answer to that” has just made me stop and think. I was talking with a younger man after worship services this morning and we were talking about this: “Are men permitted, scripturally, to wear a covering (hat, etc.) during worship services?” Thank you…
Read MoreIf Priscilla can be used as an example of head covering, why not of women serving communion?
Question: I was reviewing your article on “Head Coverings” from your web site. I thought the article was very well presented! I was wondering though why the article used a picture from the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome (under Early Christian Worship), the same catacomb that elsewhere shows Priscilla serving communion, and yet does not…
Read MoreMust a woman dress plainly or wear a covering at all times?
Question: I am a head-covering lady and a modest dresser. I see that you have links to different head covering sites for ordering them. Do your ladies wear them all the time or just for church and praying? Also, about modesty: Are their dresses or skirts plain or with prints? Do they wear skirts? I have…
Read MoreI’m looking for a “veiling” church. What denomination are you?
Question: Hello, I am a 23-year-old Christian. The Lord has spoken to me about my dress and I have struggled to obey Him but am coming around. I am not a big fan of denominations because I believe it has caused many divisions in the body of Christ. With that said it is what it…
Read MoreCould the veil just be a symbol of the husband and not a physical veil?
Question: I just read an article called Command or Custom? by Hiram O Hutto. I have a question in regard to that article. I have a friend who says that the covering that Paul is referring to is not a physical one such as a veil or hat etc, but rather Paul is referring to the woman’s…
Read MoreWhen does head covering apply?
Question: I am a Christian wife and mother. First of all, I would like to thank you for your excellent web site, which I just found this morning. I look forward to reading many more of the articles. My question at this moment, though, pertains to the teaching of I Corinthians 11. I was raised…
Read MoreWhat is the history behind the articles on head covering?
Question: This summer my family and I joined the Church of Christ in Vienna, Austria, after having fellowshipped in Evangelical Churches for the last 20 years. Since the Church of Christ is rather new to us, I did some research about the movement, read a lot about Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell, as well as…
Read MoreThank you for this article on head covering
Question: “Women who understand the Bible also understand why they cover their heads.” Thank you for this article and for the above statement found in your article. It has long been a conviction of mine and one I practice, albeit quite alone among my congregation. I would ask one thing of any person who still believes this…
Read MoreIs the covering in I Corinthians 11 an article of clothing?
Question: Someone related to me that the covering here is not an article of clothing according to the original language. He explained that the veil that Moses used to cover his face was clearly seen as such in the original language, but we don’t see it for the covering in I Corinthians. I have not…
Read MoreShould a head covering be worn all the time?
Question: I wanted to thank you for the wonderful study of I Corinthians 11:1-16. I have recently felt the need to study this. I am a new sister in Christ and no one else in my church uses head coverings but I feel that it is what I should be doing. Your explanation was so helpful…
Read MoreWhat would you tell an eldership who rejects a preacher because his wife wears a head covering?
Question: What would you tell an eldership who thought that it would be divisive to have me as a minister? I mean I don’t want to make an issue of it. Shaina my future wife would wear a head covering, but I would not teach something the elders do not want me to. I just…
Read MoreDoes the use of unique words in I Corinthians 11 change the meaning of this passage?
Question: I have been doing a lot of studying on head covering. At first glance, I felt that a secondary head covering was needed, but I wasn’t sure when. Only at worship? During every prayer? So I got the lexicon out and started combing through the Greek and Hebrew. I also hit the Internet and…
Read MoreIs a head covering needed for all prayers or only during worship?
Question: Is a head covering needed any time a prayer is said (i.e. before dinner, around the house, baseball game, Bible class, etc.) or just during a worship service? Answer: “But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head…
Read MoreCan a woman, wearing a covering, work in a store selling alcohol?
Question: What about women who wear covering among the regular population? Is it a sin to let the woman who wears a covering to work in a store where they sell beer or things of the sort? I need to know if I am sinning if I do not wear a covering. It is hard…
Read MoreHow do you distinguish between sin and areas for growth?
Question: Thank you for your reply. That was helpful. I agree we need to be mindful of differing levels of maturity. The crux of the matter comes down to this: (maturity issues aside) when is sin involved? Let me frame this issue another way: the brother in Romans 14 who abstains from all meat does…
Read MoreHow does a woman start wearing a covering?
Question: I’ve read a few of your statements on head coverings and find it interesting. How exactly can a woman begin to wear some sort of head covering within a church where this is not practiced or even mentioned? The key is to not present it as though they are “showing off” or having others…
Read MoreCould Paul have argued against a Jewish tradition in I Corinthians 11:1-16?
Question: While looking around for a Jewish tradition from the first century I’d read some years before that was almost word for word what Paul addressed in the Corinthian letter, I ran across your page. I’m not sure the point you were making in “Images of Head Coverings During Worship”. Anyway, as long as I…
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