Mormonism is the restoration of all things

Question: Thank you for responding. My purpose is to come to an understanding of others, and their way of worship. If I offend you, I apologize. This is not my intent. It’s interesting to see how others interpret the scripture. I would like to continue with this discussion, and again thank you for taking the…

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Can a church choose men to lead when there are no elders?

Question: When there are no elders in a congregation and the church chooses certain men to lead, is this scriptural? Answer: I probably would need more information to answer your question. Much depends on what you mean by “lead.” During worship service, there are men who lead various parts of the worship. “How is it…

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Denominationalism Is Unnecessary

by Larry Ray Hafley Religious denominationalism in general and Catholicism and Protestantism, in particular, are unnecessary institutions. First, if they were essential, they would be found in the Bible. Christ would have spoken of them and told us how to sustain and support them. That he did none of those things shows they are not required…

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Did the folded napkin in John 20:7 mean Jesus was coming back?

Question: I received the following in regard to John 20:7. Is this true? Why did Jesus fold the napkin? This is one I can honestly say I have never seen circulating in the e-mails. Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this……. John 20:7 tells us that the…

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Should corporal punishment be allowed in schools?

Question: Many parents who use corporal discipline at home are opposed to its use in a Christian school. They feel that only the parent should administer this type of discipline when needed. I have always believed that the school should have the authority to paddle when needed. What are your views on this controversial subject?…

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In Toil

Bryan Matthew Dockens Work is the common lot of all men. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden, the Lord God told the man, “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring…

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“Incredible” Beginning

by Andy Diestelkamp via Gospel Power, Vol. 15, No. 30, July 27, 2008. The beginnings of things always intrigue us. We often mark them with great ceremony at the time if we anticipate their importance (weddings, ribbon-cutting grand openings, signings, etc.). We frequently research beginnings if only later do we realize someone’s or something’s importance…

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Eternal Security

by Wayne S. Walker via Truth Magazine XXI: 2, pp. 28-29, January 13, 1977 One of the tenets of Reformed theology that John Calvin adopted and propagated was that of “the perseverance of the saints.” Often it is referred to as the doctrine of “once in grace, always in grace.” Or stated as a proposition, it reads,…

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What Scripture is most useful to challenge an atheist?

Question: When speaking to an atheist, what Scripture is most useful to challenge one to understand that God does exist? And how can I convince him that this God is merciful if he has lived life in a body wracked by pain? Answer: You are starting off on the wrong foot since an atheist does…

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Can’t instruments be an aid to singing?

Question: In one of your articles, you present the question: “Where in the Bible is instrumental music forbidden?” I’m pretty sure I understand the meaning behind the question and believe I have an answer. This is all based on King David and his musical worship with the lute. See, David played a mechanical instrument for…

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Does a divorce because of forced sex in marriage allow for remarriage?

Question: I just read the article regarding whether marital rape is biblical grounds for divorce. This question is brought up at the end: “Meanwhile, what is the husband supposed to do? I think the answer is “wait.” If your wife were deathly ill, you would have no problem foregoing sex during her illness.” In my particular…

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Do you think it’s a sin not to go to church?

Question: Hi! I am 15 years old. I want to thank you for saving my soul! I accepted Jesus into my heart about two years ago and have been talking to him as a friend, a brother, a Savior and my Lord ever since. However, I have found myself struggling with lust, greed and other things.…

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Let me give you a real story of the problems I see

Question: Three members of a church of Christ have been shunning two others for two years for reasons unknown. One member spreads unfounded gossip about another woman using vile language. She later asked for forgiveness but never apologized. Some members lack the courtesy to say, “Good morning,” nine out of ten times. The minister, a…

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How did Simeon and Levi manage to wipe out Shechem?

Question: I have a question regarding Genesis 34:29. I was wondering how the two sons, Simeon and Levi, were able to carry captive all the women after they killed all the male Hivites? Would these two persons have enough binding material to bind a whole town? Also, how did Simeon and Levi kill all of…

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Facts About Faith Healing

by Rick Duggin via Westvue Messenger, Vol. 29, No. 7, July 1986 Members of the Faith Assembly, an Indiana-based religious sect, have lost as many as eighty-eight members to treatable illnesses or injuries because they believe that going to a doctor is wrong. A federal and state study concluded that the mortality rate for their…

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I Don’t Love Her Any More

by Greg Gwin A forty-year-old man, suffering through the classic “mid-life crisis,” sat down to talk to a preacher about his problems. He explained how his marriage of 20 years was no longer satisfying or fulfilling. Finally, he reached the ‘bottom line.’ “I just don’t love her anymore”, he said. “What can I do?” After…

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Why doesn’t God restore my hearing?

Question: I have about a 30-40% hearing impairment. I don’t know for sure what has caused my hearing impairment. I have behind-the-ear hearing aids. I often get ashamed of wearing them in front of people that I have not known for a long time. It is so embarrassing when people say, “What is that in your ear?” It really…

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Are We Killing the “Old Man?”

by Robert F. Turner via Guardian of Truth XXX: 18, pp. 551, 567, September 18, 1986 The Roman letter has at least five propositions, affirmed and proven by the apostle Paul: Man stands justly condemned for his sins; Grace, not law, is the remedy; This grace is expressed in the crucified Christ; It is available on…

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Learning from the Vatican’s Reversal on Galileo

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton December 21, 2008, was the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s use of the telescope and the Roman Catholic church took the opportunity to announce once again that it had made a mistake in condemning Galileo. It is actually not the first time it has admitted to this mistake. Pope Benedict XIV had…

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The Roman Catholic church doesn’t evolve, it realigns itself with the past

Question: I was just reading from your church website on what is wrong with the teachings of Catholicism, and I had a question regarding this particular quote: “As I mentioned before, the departure of the Catholic Church from the teachings in the Bible leaves a large number of differences. Apologists for Catholicism do not attempt explain…

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The Gospel of Judas?

by Ron Lehde Tonight (April 9, 2006) the National Geographic Magazine is scheduled to present a television program that deals with an ancient work known as “The Gospel of Judas”.  It is a 26-page manuscript (ca. AD 300) that is a Coptic translation of a Greek manuscript that is at least one hundred years older and…

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Reflections on the “Gospel of Judas”

by Ethan R. Longhenry While The Da Vinci Code mania continues to develop and grow throughout the world and while “other gospels” and “alternative Christianities” have become popular, we now see revealed to us yet another “lost gospel,” the Gospel of Judas. The National Geographic Society has done a good job of marketing this discovery and is…

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The Gospel Of Judas

by Boyd Jennings Were you alarmed to hear that another gospel has been discovered?  Before we continue, let’s remember what Jesus told the twelve minus Judas.  “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).  That’s why Paul wrote by inspiration of God—twice, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven,…

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How to Save Your Marriage

by Rick Lanning in The Elgin Hills Examiner, Vol. 3, Nos. 11,12, Nov/Dec. 2008. It’s simple, really. I do not have to write a large volume, followed by a sequel, on all the details of establishing a good marriage. Although the shelves are stocked full of wonderful books on this subject (and I have spent a…

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How to Avoid Having Your Faith Shipwrecked

by Steven Braman Let me tell you about my evening. I was eating dinner in Shanghai. I picked a little restaurant near the hotel called Johnny Moo. It is a knockoff of Johnny Rockets. Basically a ’50s-style burger joint. I had a cheeseburger, fries, and a banana milkshake. I had just settled in with my…

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Is it wrong to raise dogs for fighting?

Question: What is God’s word about raising dogs, such as pit bulls, on chains their whole life and selling them for fighting or fighting them yourself? Answer: In Hebrew society, dogs were a despised animal. They were domesticated for guard duties (Job 30:1). But the problem is that there were no leash laws, dog catchers,…

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My wife left me six weeks ago and I am at my wit’s end

Question: Hello, My wife left me six weeks ago. My life has been a living nightmare since then. I really don’t know the real reason for her leaving. When she left, she told me that she didn’t think she should be here anymore and she thought she was attracted to women. I found out bits…

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by Wendi Capehart In the lovely gardening memoir Mrs. Whaley and Her Charleston Garden, Mrs. Whaley writes about how she felt when she and her husband moved to Charleston after they had spent a short time in D.C. She says she had trouble adjusting to the social scene in Charleston. Everybody was related to everybody else,…

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Holy Days

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 57, No. 24, June 13, 2008 Question: Does Galatians 4:9-11 refer to holy days (religious observance)? Or could it have a reference to such days as July 4th or our birthdays? Answer: The letter to the Galatians was written primarily to teach these new Christians that it was…

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You don’t understand the Catholic Church’s teachings

Question: I happened on your web site via a friend and read the response given to a gentleman about marrying a Catholic woman.  I suggest that you click on to and search for the correct answers about “Limbo” and “Annulments in the Catholic Church”. 99% of the people who are not Catholic are taught about the Catholic…

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You don’t know the true reasons why I don’t attend!

Question: Well, I got the opportunity to read your article online about missing church. Seemed so self-righteous. God knows one’s heart and no man can judge another without true facts. You don’t walk in any one’s shoes to know in ord to judge one correctly, that’s first and foremost. Secondly, I miss church once in a…

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Out-of-Body experiences have to be true because I experienced them

Question: How are you doing? First off let me thank God for you and the very informative site you have put together. Also for having ministers such as yourself that have been blessed with the talent of teaching the gospel and blessed with spiritual knowledge and wisdom in Christ. Keep up the good work. Your…

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